Private Data Centers vs. Public Cloud: Can Apstra Automation Bridge the Gap?

By Published On: October 18, 2023

In an era where data is king and agility is paramount, organizations constantly seek ways to optimize their IT infrastructure. One of the ongoing debates in technology revolves around the private data center’s ability to mimic the convenience and scalability of the public cloud. At a recent Cloud Field Day 18 presentation by Juniper Networks on their Apstra automation platform, the question arose: Can Apstra help achieve the ambitious goal of making private data centers operate similarly to the public cloud?

The Public Cloud Advantage

Public cloud services have revolutionized the way IT professionals handle data and applications. Public Cloud providers offer on-demand scalability, flexibility, and ease of deployment. With the click of a button or with a “Terraform Apply”, organizations can provision resources, scale up or down as needed, and benefit from a vast array of managed services. However, this convenience often comes at a cost financially and in terms of data privacy and security.

The Private Data Center Dilemma

Private data centers, on the other hand, have traditionally lagged in terms of agility. The private DC requires substantial upfront capital investment, extensive hardware provisioning, and ongoing maintenance. However, the DC offers greater control over data and applications, which can be critical for industries with stringent compliance requirements or sensitive data. There’s also a financial argument when the scale of application operations reaches a maturity level where dedicated resources become as efficient or more efficient than the public cloud.

Enter Apstra Automation

Juniper Networks’ Apstra automation platform is designed to bridge the gap between private data centers and the public cloud. It promises to bring the simplicity and agility of the cloud to on-premises infrastructure. Here’s how Apstra aims to achieve this ambitious goal:


  1. **Intent-Based Networking:** Apstra uses intent-based networking to translate high-level business objectives into automated network configurations. This approach simplifies network provisioning, reduces human error, and accelerates deployment times, making the private data center more responsive to changing business needs.
  2. **Multi-Vendor Support:** Apstra supports a wide range of hardware vendors, allowing organizations to leverage existing infrastructure investments. This multi-vendor approach enhances flexibility and minimizes vendor lock-in, a common concern with public cloud providers. We conducted sponsored research in which we used Cisco Switches managed by Apstra.
  3. **Centralized Management:** Apstra provides a centralized management interface that offers a single pane of glass for monitoring and managing the entire network infrastructure. This unified view simplifies operations, reduces complexity, and enhances visibility. Maybe the most important consideration is consistent configuration preventing human error.
  4. **Closed-Loop Automation:** Apstra’s closed-loop automation continuously monitors the network’s state and makes real-time adjustments to ensure optimal performance and security. This proactive approach aligns with the public cloud’s self-healing capabilities. From a practical perspective, this present rouge administers from making command line changes to the environment which breaks automation.

Can Apstra Achieve the Goal?

While Juniper Networks’ Apstra automation platform offers promising features to make private data centers more cloud-like, it’s essential to approach the question with a balanced perspective.

Firstly, achieving public cloud-like agility in a private data center is a multifaceted challenge. It involves network automation and seamless integration with other infrastructure components like storage and compute. Juniper Networks showed deep integration with Terraform, but public cloud operations are more than tooling.

Secondly, organizations must be willing to invest in the necessary process changes, software, and expertise to leverage Apstra’s capabilities fully. The success of such a transformation depends on commitment and resources.

Lastly, Apstra is not a silver bullet. While it can greatly simplify network operations and management, other aspects of a private data center, such as hardware procurement and server provisioning, must also be streamlined to achieve true cloud-like agility.


Juniper Networks’ Apstra automation platform represents a significant step in making private data centers operate similarly to the public cloud. Its intent-based networking, multi-vendor support, centralized management, and closed-loop automation features provide valuable tools for organizations seeking greater agility and efficiency.

However, it’s essential to recognize that achieving this aggressive goal requires a holistic approach beyond network automation. Organizations must be prepared to invest in the necessary resources and expertise to realize the potential of Apstra and other similar solutions fully.

Ultimately, the journey toward cloud-like private data centers is ongoing, and solutions like Apstra are valuable allies in this endeavor. Still, they are not a magic wand that can instantly transform traditional data centers into cloud-like environments.


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